2012年3月8日 星期四

Fournier 605 Series - 百年古典工藝

好 又一篇中英文混雜的文章
雖然英文很爛 但網誌要走向國際化
                                                                                    會翻出很瞎的東西 ... 還是加個英文注解 :P
這也是一篇大長篇文章 主要是介紹一下 Fournier 605跟大家比較關心的605 VS 505的差別
還有雷射標籤的第二版  Fournier 605的介紹
this article for Fournier 605 Series by Lee Asher
write down  in English and Chinese and with many many pictures...
content :
1. the deference between 605 1st & 2nd edition and 505 series
2. the review of Fournier 605 by myself :)

先來介紹一下 Fournier 這間公司

the following is introduction of Fournier playing cards company is translate to Chinese from website
so I just skip the English introduction , you can just go to  Fournier official website
http://www.nhfournier.es/en/home  for original article

you can just pulling down for 605 introduction


1868年 Heraclio Fournier在西班牙創立了 Fournier 紙牌公司
超過130年的印牌技術 許多的工法

1. 特殊高品質紙質 耐用有彈性 (Fournier的紙質真的很誇張...)

2. 高品質的油墨 及 精準的印刷技術 (不過應該沒有廠商會說自己印不好吧XD)
一般印牌都是把整副牌 印在一張紙上(uncut) 在統一裁切 以節省成本
而這產生的最大問題 便是撲克牌容易切歪(相信有人一定拿過bicycle打開來 裡面有切歪的)
但 Fournier 則是採用一張一張切的方式 讓每張牌的大小完全一樣

但 Fournier 在1986年被USPCC併購 同年USPCC的全球市佔率來到35% (來源 官網)

由於Fournier的印牌方式 造成單價上升
 Fournier605等於是飛了超過半圈地球 才到我們手上
(西班牙 → 舊金山(李阿舍倉庫) → 台灣 )


再來是我們的主角 也就是前陣子才重新上架的 Fournier 605

ok here is the review of  Fournier 605

 front and back

超級潮的雷射貼紙 !!!
coooool  laser sticker !!! (this is holographic casino seal)
換個角度就可以看到 fournier 的logo
you can see the fournier's logo on the sticker

一打裝的盒子 跟505的一樣 只是盒側多一張貼紙寫著605跟顏色
brick box (same as 505 but it has a small label to mark "605)

開盒了 盒上有一小片已經切開的塑膠模可以撕開
you can tear cellophane with the little flap

打開後可以看到 裡面的牌 還有第二層塑膠膜(真高級@@~)
and the second cellophane for cards :)

card design
撕開後  來看一下牌背 605是棕綠兩色
605 in brown and green color

傳說中由英國Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance公司所發的 ISO 9001認證(撲克牌也可以有ISO認證...)
this the proof card by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance with ISO 9001 (cool)

plastic coated
除了跟一般uspcc的牌不同 沒有氣孔的605 跟505一樣有一層塑膠塗層 讓這副牌的牌面看起來較亮 較黏
用起來很像塑膠牌 但還是有只牌的彈性跟手感 所以拿來做花式很好用!!

605 is different from USPCC decks, 605 without air-cushion, most special 605 has plastic coated
it make this deck more glossy and smooth, and make this deck more stick (so this deck is good for flourish!!!)

 card face
黑桃A下方印上 Lee Asher的簽名
Lee Asher's signature is  printed under the forurnier's logo

然後最下方還有編號 一二版的編號不同 但同一版 兩種顏色是同一個編號
and the number below the signature is different from 605V1 and V2,
but no difference for brown and green for same edition
  606411 = V1   607753 =V2

Joker and 4 of clubs
Fournier的牌都會在梅花四上面 印上 plastic coated 跟 Fournier Victoria 兩行字
而505跟605這種牌背 也稱做 Victoria back (但我忘了在那裡看到這資料)

for fournier cards, they will print "plastic coated" and "Fournier Victoria" on 4 of clubs
so the back design of Fournier 605 and 505 also called "Victoria back" (but I'm not sure the original information )

face cards
人頭牌上膚色這件事 是我唯一覺得這副牌很鳥也很瞎的地方...(這樣打股歌翻義應該番不初萊吧XD)
I just fell a little strange on the color on the JQK's face...

the difference between Fournier 605 V1 and V2

1. box design
基本上幾乎完全一樣 除了底部條碼的字型差一點點以外
basically, V1's box is the same as V2's box, except a little different for word type under box

所以 關鍵就是貼紙哩
so the key point is sticker
V1 use classical sticker from Fournier ( V2 use laser sticker)

and V1 has higher cellophane after tear by the flap on cellophane

古典的大牌舌 寫著創立年份 (超過130年了)
classical design of box write down "since 1868"

the difference between Fournier 605 and 505

大家都知道 605跟505的價格差了一倍  如果兩副只有差在顏色那為啥605還賣得出去?
we know the 605 is expensive than 505, but if there is only changing in color, why we don't choose 505?
(not only for color collection, but also for some reason...)

首先 先來介紹一下505
we just review 505 first

1. sticker classical paper sticker same as 605V1
貼紙 是紙貼紙 跟605v1一樣

there is king of heart on box back

55cards (52 card + 2 joker + 1 extra joker)

打開後 一樣是雙層模
still double cellophane for this deck

joker and "2" ace of spades???

in fact the another ace of spades is AD card...

好 那接下來是不同的地方
ok the following are something different between 505, 605V1 V2

1. cut
about the cutting method you can see the review by Valion 

所以因為裁刀的關係造成505的牌邊較利 且有凸點
so 505 has sharp deck edge and has a convex on deck edge (see pictures)
但是 我玩605v2時 也被割破皮...我印象中V1沒有這麼利
為我手邊的V1已經很smooth 也無從比起

2.back design

其實 牌背是有差一點點的 可以看下圖會發現 505是個蝴蝶結
see the picture below, you will find out that is a little different

但是 我想這不是重點
but I think the following thing is most important

因為手邊有還有全新的605廣告牌 在一次偶然的比較發現這件事

I just compare my brand new 505, 605V1 , 605V2
( I collect the AD cards in album so I have a brand new 605 v1 single card after I open the deck several month ago)
I see an interesting thing...

其實是在拍牌背圖時 發現505跟605V2的感覺好像不太一樣
when I take a pic for card back design I fell something different...

所以 我把三種牌擺在一起發現
so I put they together

and use light to emphasized the reflection...
沒錯 得到結論了 表面finish不一樣...
yes, you see the result...they different in finish  about coated...

obviously 605V2 has different finish that make it doesn't glossy like V1 or 505 but only under light reflection
so 605v2 is easy to fanning than other 2 decks

see closely

沒錯 從不同表面 可以看出來應該連紙質也是不同的
you can see those 3 card has different paper, different finish
(according to Lee Asher, 605v2 will be a bit  softer than V1. that why I think he change the paper of 605)

至於實測的心得 讓我們留到下次說
for more review about use , please wait for next article :( ~

我們再看一次圖 :)
let we see the compare picture again :)
發現 這樣拍照真的很好玩@~@
ha~  I just fell interesting in taking those picture that could discover something behind seeing @@

有關放大觀察的研究 也可以看李阿舍之前貼的影片
for microscope about 605 you can read this post by Lee Asher before :)

剩下 來貼些不同的東西吧
and the last is something come with 605 package...

其實就是跟Lee Asher的廣告明信片 雖然知道是廣告 不過它做得真的很有質感
特別是605那張 真的很想多要幾張來收藏@~@

that are AD post cards from Lee Asher, they are high quality cards, not like other leaflets
especially the 605  post cards I hope I could get more for collection :( ~

最後 還有一張新的明信片
and last...

就是李阿舍最新文章 關於”水洗”跟”微波” 605的事情XD~
這部份就留到我有空 連同手感的評測 再一起寫吧 有興趣的可以先點下面的網站看文章
that the latest news about 605 from Lee Asher about "wash" "microwave" your dirty 605 decks
I will post this after I do it in next article for 605 with more review  about use 605

thanks for your reading :)

以上 謝謝大家 (?)

10 則留言:

  1. 你沒拍一下開扇、展牌的相片?像我的偶像那樣。

    1. 因為一手按快門 一手拿柔光板 就沒手開扇了QQ

      不過其實是因為我還沒剪指甲 囧~

  2. 江山代有才人輩出, 我轉帖就好...

  3. sorry 幫你更正一下

    606411 = V1 607753 = V2 ^^
